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Generation of wastewater from electrolytic manganese production

Date: Jan 29th, 2023

(1)  Cooling water: according to the average level of the industry, every ton of electrolytic manganese metal production about 100 tons of cooling water;

(2) electrolytic workshop flushing wastewater: according to the average level of the industry, every one ton of electrolytic manganese metal production has four tons of flushing wastewater;

(3) Filter cloth wastewater washing: In order to control the production of wastewater, the electrolytic workshop flusher wastewater to directly clean the filter cloth, so the cleaning of the filter cloth does not increase the amount of sewage.

The cooling water produced in electrolytic manganese production only has thermal pollution and is recycled directly after cooling. The washing wastewater and filter cloth wastewater of electrolytic workshop contain a large number of pollutants such as total manganese, total chromium, hexavalent chromium, suspended matter, sulfate, phosphate, etc., which should be recycled after treatment to meet the production water requirements or discharged after advanced treatment.