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Smelting of ZhenAn's ferro vanadium

Date: Jan 2nd, 2023
Ferrovanadium smelting method electrosilicothermal process, flake vanadium pentoxide with 75% ferrosilicon and a small amount of aluminum as reducing agents, in alkaline arc furnace, through reduction and refining two stages to produce qualified products. During the reduction period, all the reducing agent of a furnace and the flake vanadium pentoxide accounting for 60 ~ 70% of the total amount are loaded into the electric furnace, and silicon thermal reduction is carried out under the high calcium oxide slag. When the V2O5 in the slag is less than 0.35%, the slag (called lean slag, can be discarded or used as building materials) is discharged and transferred to the refining period. At this time, flake vanadium pentahydrate and lime are added to remove excess silicon and aluminum in the alloy liquid, and iron alloy can be slag out when the alloy composition meets the requirements. The slag released in the late refining period is called rich slag (containing 8 ~ 12% V2O5), which is returned to be used when the next furnace begins to feed. Alloy liquid is generally cast into cylindrical ingot, after cooling, stripping, crushing and slag cleaning is finished. This method is generally used for smelting iron vanadium containing 40 ~ 60% vanadium. The recovery rate of vanadium can reach 98%. Smelting iron vanadium consumes about 1600 kW • h of electricity per ton.

Aluminum is used as reducing agent in thermite process, which is smelted by the lower ignition method in the furnace tube lined with alkaline furnace. First a small part of the mixed charge into the reactor, that is, the line of ignition. The rest of the charge will be added gradually after the reaction begins. It is usually used for smelting high iron (containing 60 ~ 80% vanadium), and the recovery rate is slightly lower than that of electrosilicon thermal method, about 90 ~ 95%.